The review of Vampire Survivors: Legacy of the Moonspell

Honestly, if you had told me at the beginning of 2022 that one of my favorite games coming out in the next 12 months would be a minimalist, retro-looking cross between a shooter and a rogue light, I would have laughed in your face. This is the year they released “Eldan Ring” and “Persona 5 Royal.” Can a small game from a small studio bring something comparable to that?

It is no exaggeration to say that “Vampire Survivors” is one of the best games of 2022. In fact, its gameplay is so captivating that once you start it up, almost everything else takes a backseat. It is that great and addictive.

Vampire Survivors

However, “Vampire Survivors” has been enhanced by adding content called “Moonspell’s Legacy. In other words, it’s time to unwind the old garlic and return to that world again.

Let’s start with the story. The Moonspell clan seems to have fallen before violent demons, and monsters ravage their land. Here, in this paradise of the living dead, the survivors catch wind that vampires are on the loose.


But it is not only demons and spectres that are ferocious. New survivors have also entered the fray with new weapons and evolutions to cut off all evil. In other words, just being alive is enough. Vampire Survivors and Legacy of the Moonspell won’t win any awards for storytelling, but that doesn’t make the games any worse. As long as you are alive, you can let evil creatures die.

Vampire Survivors” worked perfectly before, so all the developer did was add some extra elements. I think we can agree with them on that point.

So, what do we gain from introducing this new content? Well, in these days of cost-of-living crises, the first thing to note is the price of this DLC pack. There is no easy way to put it, but it is 1.59 pounds. That is an unbeatable price by any measure. That is, for less than two pounds (or US dollars), you get a total of 13 new weapons, 8 new characters, 6 new songs, and 1 new map (and possibly a partridge in a pear tree).

New elements in Mount Moonspell

One map may not seem like much, but this map has tricks up its sleeve and is a huge 25 times larger than the previous maps. There are other new elements in Mount Moonspell: the buildings are surrounded by walls, so you have to explore around them, and some of the paths are quite narrow, such as between cliffs. If you have a decent build, it’s a great area to thoroughly take out the bad guys, as you can concentrate your weapon firepower brilliantly.

The new characters in the “Moonspell” are not just given to you; you must also explore the new map to find them. Four new characters appear to be members of the “Moonspell” clan: Miang, Menya, and Syuuto Moonspell join the fray, as does a character called Babi-Onna. Her backstory states that she came back from the dead to fight evil and humans. Hmmm, an unusual choice of hero. Discovering the character is the main attraction of this DLC, which follows the same gameplay loop as before and makes the exploration rewarding, almost mandatory.

The Silver Wind and the Night Sword

There are also new elements in the weapons, with 13 different types, including evolutions. Weapons such as the Silver Wind and the Night Sword are also available, and there are never too many options as tools for defeating evil.


In other words, all the contents included in “Vampire Survivor” are “Vampire Survivor” itself. Legacy of the Moonspell is an amazingly good value, especially considering the low base play price. I can honestly say that I have never played any other game so cheaply, for so long, or with so much fun.

In lieu of a conclusion, I beg you. Please, please, please give “Vampire Survivor” a shot! Just to see what all the fuss is about. It’s so much fun, totally undemanding, yet engrossing, and is truly unlike any other game currently available.

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