Top Apex Legends stars Snip3down and Imperial Hal discuss leaving the game

December was difficult for the Apex Legends community, especially about the pro scene.

Apex Legends stalwarts ImperialHal and Snip3down discuss why Cloud9, Team Liquid, and G2 Esports are pro-lost and why they are leaving the ALGS scene. December was difficult for the Apex Legends community, especially about the pro scene. After failing to qualify for the Apex Legends Global Series Year 3 event in London, Cloud9, G2, and … Read more

A player from ALGS gives Mad Maggie a run for her money in Apex Legends

A player from ALGS gives Mad Maggie a run for her money in Apex Legends

Apex Legends pro player and ALGS gives Mad Maggie recently demonstrated that even low-pick Legends could be a possibility under the right circumstances. In a video released by Twitter user Apex Journo. Cleave takes on another squad as Mad Maggie. In this video, shot during a recent ALGS match, Cleave effectively uses nearly all of … Read more
