Next year Apple’s App Store Awards will be filled with surprises and virtual reality hype

Apple has announced the winners of the Apple App Store Awards, and BeReal, a new social platform for taking and sharing a pair of photos (one from the front and one from the back camera of your phone) each day, has won this year’s App of the Year award.

The Apple Store Awards is an annual event where Apple recognizes the developers and the apps they created that have had the greatest impact on users and the company. Many utilize hardware and software that Apple has recently released, such as social media, games, and sports.

Apple Arcade game of the year

This year, Wilde Flowers and Inua won the Apple Arcade game of the year and Cultural Impact awards, respectively, and GoodNotes 5, developed by Time Base Technology Limited, won the iPad Apple of the Year award. GoodNotes 5, developed by Time Base Technology Limited, won the iPad App of the Year award.

This is due to the addition of the new “China Game of the Year” award, which is indicative of the impact one country can have on the Apple Store.


With this in mind, TechRadar asked developers from Wylde Flowers, Gentler Streak, and Inua about their plans for their apps shortly after receiving these awards from Apple.

Apple App Store shows no signs of slowing down

Wylde Flowers, now available on Apple Arcade (opens in a new tab), is a game reminiscent of Animal Crossing and Stardew Valley, where you control the main character – Tara – and moonlight as a witch at night while building and running a farm by day.

(Image Credit: Apple)

Developed by Studio Drydock, the game is proud to have won Apple Arcade’s Game of the Year award, and with an update called “Endless Seasons and Romance” scheduled for release in December, different weather effects and player New content will be available, the developer said.

When asked if the game would eventually include the ability to customize Tara, he said that while he is aware that many players have requested this feature, he is not considering it in the immediate future.

Inua is a time-traveling adventure game that offers an immersive experience on the iPhone and iPad. Developer Arte Experience told us that a version coming to Apple TV might be a good next step when we suggested it. We have not confirmed if this will be the case in the future.

Gentler Streak is a well-designed

Gentler Streak is a well-designed app that includes useful information and the unique task of encouraging workouts calmly and concisely.

(Image credit: Apple)

Along with adding photos to workouts and further complications to the watchOS app, the team also announced that Live Activities, a feature from iOS 16.1 that allows widgets to display live updates on the lock screen, will be a future feature of the app’s coming in an update.

Overall, seeing so many diverse apps winning awards this year is encouraging. However, it would be nice to see another award focused on accessibility, either included as a separate award or mentioned as part of another award.


That said, with rumors of Apple’s VR headset coming in 2023, next year’s Apple |App Store Awards could be completely different: nearly 15 years after the App Store debuted with the iPhone 3G in 2008, independent developers It’s a good time to be an Apple user, as independent developers continue to bring innovation.

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