The new game, “Overwatch 2,” is still in the process of being balanced. The original “Overwatch” was an exceptionally well-balanced game, but with all of the extensive changes that its sequel has made, the latter is still finding its feet.
Despite this, the game continues to stand as a shining example of live-game balance, and the developers are clearly committed to keeping the game fair and fun.
One of the reasons for this is that the gameplay in Overwatch 2 is not built on a true counter system. It doesn’t have the consistent rock-paper-scissors effectiveness of Pokémon. Instead, it is built on a complex system of team-based interactions, individual matchups, and skills.
Few heroes have “hard counters” to consistently avoid. That does not mean that there are no characters who are good against Genji, for example. It means that playing such a character against Genji will not automatically result in success.
Counters for D.Va
Heroes with beam weapons like Zarya, Symmetra, Moira, and Winston are the best counters for D.Va. because Defense Matrix cannot absorb beams.
Heroes with beam weapons like Zarya, Symmetra, Moira, and Winston are the best counters for D.Va. because their Defense Matrix cannot absorb beams.
Doomfist counters
Ironically, the highly mobile Doomfist has a tough time against other mobile heroes. Quick heroes can jump over his power blocks and damage his vulnerable back, making it difficult to hit his rocket punches.
Long-range attacking heroes like Widowmaker, Ashe, Bastion, and Ana can skirmish at long range to get out of the way of his close combat.
Counters for Junker Queen
Heroes with self-healing or self-shielding abilities, including Wrecking Ball and Lucio, can nullify some or all of the damage from Junker Queen’s wounds, rendering some of her kit useless.
Long-range heroes like Widowmaker and Ana can get out of range of her shotgun and melee AoE attacks; Ana can also cancel Adrenaline Rush’s recovery with Biotic Grenade.
Orisa’s Counter
Heroes whose weapons are not projectile-based, such as Symmetra, Moira, and Winston, are less affected by Orisa’s Javelin Spin.
Heroes who are powered by damage, such as Zarya and Doomfist, can withstand her onslaught while powering themselves up.
Reinhardt’s Counter
If you can stop Reinhardt’s barrier function, you can defeat her. Sombra can hack and Cassidy, Ana, and May can stun her to prevent the barrier from deploying.
Junkrat and Pharah are excellent barrier busters, thanks to their high burst damage.
Roadhog counters
AoE attacks from heroes like Pharah, Junkrat, and Zarya (alt fire) tend to get caught in Roadhog’s huge hitboxes.
More mobile heroes like Echo, Pharah, Genji, Tracer, Sombra, Doomfist and Wrecking Ball can quickly escape his hooks.
Roadhog’s guns are good for destroying tanks, including his own; Roadhog can counter other Roadhogs.
Widowmaker, Pharah, Echo, Junkrat, and Ana all attack at long range, making it difficult to hit Roadhog’s shotgun. Watch out for his hook.