Terms & Conditions

Welcome to the BeaconGamingZone here. Together with the Privacy Policy, these Terms of Use govern your use of the Website and other products and services provided by BeaconGamingZone.

Please read these Terms of Use carefully before using the Service, as they affect your rights. By employing any of the Services, you carry and approve to be secured by these Terms.

By participating or accessing and using the Services, you agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions. You represent and warrant that you are an individual of legal age to enter into a binding agreement (or that you have obtained permission from a parent or guardian to use the Services and have the parent or guardian agree to these Terms on your behalf). If you do not approve of these Terms, you will not be capable of using the Service. These Terms shall have the same effect as a written agreement.

Copyright Notice

The Content on the Service (the “Content”), including but not limited to video, text, photographs, and graphics, is protected by international copyright laws and is subject to other intellectual property rights and proprietary rights and laws, and is owned by us or our licensors. In addition to those related to your user submissions, you can: (a) You may not copy, modify, reproduce, republish, post, transmit, sell, offer for sale, or redistribute the Content in any manner without the prior written permission of the Company and the permission of our applicable licensors; (b) you must comply with all copyright notices, information, or restrictions contained or attached to any content. We grant you a personal, revocable, non-transferable, non-sublicensable, non-exclusive right to access and use the Services in the manner permitted by these Terms. You acknowledge that you have no liberty to permit all or the domain of the Service in reference code form.

Accessing the Site

Abide by these Terms. We give you a non-transferable, non-premier, revocable, limited license to access the Site only for your own personal, non-commercial use.

A certain limit, the rights granted to you in these Terms are subject to the following limitations. (a) You may not sell, rent, lease, transfer, distribute, host, or commercially use the Site. (b) You must not modify, create, decompose, decompile, or reverse engineer any part of the Site. (c) Except as expressly provided herein, copying, copying, distributing, reissuing, downloading, displaying, posting, or sending any part of the Site is prohibited in any form or by any means, and any future releases, updates, or other additions to the functionality of the Site shall be subject to these Words. All copyright and other proprietary notification on the Site must be included in all copies thereof.

Limitation of liability

To the fullest extent permitted by law, our suppliers or we shall not be responsible to you or any third party for any failure of gains, loss of data, costs of procuring alternatives, or indirect, consequential, exemplary, incidental, special, or punitive damages that may arise from or related to these terms or to your use of or inability to use the Site. Access to and use of the Site is at the Customer’s sole discretion and responsibility. Customer shall be solely responsible for any damage or loss of data to Customer’s equipment or computer system.

Act of a reader

By using BeaconGamingZone, you agree not to post or transmit any content that violates the rights of any third party or that contains illegal, harmful, threatening, abusive, conclusive, inflammatory, abusive, offensive, defamatory, obscene, obscene, defamatory, or illegal material.

We also ask that you do not attempt to collect Content or IP addresses or upload software that destroys or limits the functionality of this Website.


Subject to this section, these Terms shall remain in full force and effect for the duration of your use of the Site. At our sole discretion, we may suspend or terminate your right to use the Site for any reason, including any use of the Site that violates these Terms. If your rights beneath these Terms are removed, your account and your right to access and utilize the Site will immediately terminate. You understand that the User Content associated with your account may be removed from our live database upon the termination of your account. We will not be responsible to you for any ending of your rights beneath these Words.

Electronic notice

You agree to do business electronically with us. Your active action to register, use, or log in to the Services constitutes your acceptance to sign these Terms. We may provide you with a notice electronically (1) by email if you provide us with a valid email address or (2) by posting a notice on a website designated by us for this purpose. The delivery of any notice will be effective when we send or post it, regardless of whether you have read or received it. You may revoke your authorization to accept electronic messages by ceasing your use of the Services.
